
A Maryville occupational therapy program is aimed at promoting inclusion and participation through adaptive gaming.

作为一名本科生, Betsy Hawkins-Chernof built a custom database and trained another student how to use it. “当她分享她的‘啊哈’时!’ moment with me, I realized how fun it was to teach her how to use technology,”她说。.

那个教导的时刻是偶然的. 今天, Hawkins-Chernof, 定单计划, 工程/ L, SCSS, 三磷酸腺苷, 职业治疗助理教授, 是辅助技术专家吗. After more than a decade as a school-based occupational therapist with Special School District of St. 路易县, she is sharing her passion for assistive technology through an inclusive esports gaming league.

The program started in Summer 2019 through a series of adaptative gaming nights at the Microsoft Store in the Saint Louis Galleria. The retail store provided the equipment and the program invited different St. Louis area organizations such as Best Buddies and Paraquad’s Youth Group to play video games.

“I got to expose people to equipment who never knew those things existed, 这真的很令人兴奋,”她说。. Xbox自适应控制器连接到外部交换机, 按钮, 坐垫和操纵杆,以帮助使游戏更容易访问. “It allows you to play any game you want on the Xbox with just a button,”她说。. “If someone has limited mobility but can move their head or hold down a button, 我可以帮助他们玩电子游戏.”

然后,大流行来了. In June 2020, Microsoft permanently shuttered its physical stores, including its St. 路易的位置. 适应性游戏之夜也停止了.

Unsure of her next move, Hawkins-Chernof shared her frustration with friends. Which led to an introduction to Dan Correll, coordinator of leisure services at the St. 路易弧. He was looking to start an online esports club amid the pandemic, since traditional in-person programming didn’t allow for social distancing.

一种新的伙伴关系诞生了, 两人推出了代入, 一个适合所有能力的电子竞技游戏联盟. The first season, gamers with and without disabilities competed against each other in Madden NFL 19. “The goal was to promote inclusion through gaming,霍金斯-切尔诺夫说. “PG电子游戏的重点是把人们聚集在一起. No one knew who had a disability or didn’t; you were just matched up.这个联盟很快就成为了世界上最大的联盟. 路易·Arc发展最快的项目, with a transition to Rocket League and other games to allow cross-platform play.

A unique aspect of 代入 is that gamers simultaneously play and socialize on Zoom. “We set people up into breakout rooms so that while you’re playing your 1v1 game, 你可以和那个人聊天,交朋友. 在玩家结束竞技游戏后, 所有人回到主房间, PG电子游戏玩3v3和4v4是为了好玩,”她说。. “通过同步缩放, it also allows us to help people with cognitive disabilities get their game set up or support their tech issues. We also do a meet and greet the first week so people can meet each other.”

The goal is to grow the program to include more people with physical disabilities. 要做到这一点,霍金斯-切诺需要设备. She’s building partnerships with organizations such as The AbleGamers Charity and the MO Better Foundation to create adaptive gaming kits. When gamers register for the program, they can request assistive technology support. Hawkins-Chernof sets up consultations to help personalize kits for each gamer, 包括教他们如何使用它. 在节目的最后, gamers keep whatever tools work for them and Hawkins-Chernof orders new equipment to replenish the kits.

“The idea is not to simply throw equipment at people,”她说。. “PG电子游戏的目标是帮助人们玩电子游戏, 在玩电子游戏的时候交朋友, 所以他们可以继续玩电子游戏.” She also stresses the importance of people with and without disabilities playing together. “There are a lot of programs that exist for just people with disabilities. PG电子游戏的程序不是那样的. PG电子游戏希望每个人都能融入其中,并有归属感.”

Maryville occupational therapy students participate in the program by playing the games. They also complete a capstone project for their graduate coursework around the gaming league. 最近, the Maryville students helped build the adaptive gaming kits and created tutorial videos that can be used by gamers, 向家人和朋友补充咨询.

“这个项目是全年的, service-learning project where students collaborate in small groups and receive support from a faculty mentor. 目的是提供有意义的内容, innovative and authentic learning experiences for our students while they also work to improve the lives of people in the St. ”霍金斯-切尔诺夫说.

The gaming league is one example of how the health professions field of occupational therapy is growing. Occupational therapists help people of all ages live their lives to the fullest.

“Gaming is a gateway to help people in more areas of their life, 所以他们可以做他们需要和想做的事情,霍金斯-切尔诺夫说. “It’s a skill to learn how to use this adaptive gaming equipment, 这适用于使用电脑或手机的人吗. And if we can get their skills up while they’re in high school or as young adults, 他们会做好找工作的准备. We have such an untapped number of people with disabilities who want to work.”

Preparations are underway to increase the number of Maryville students playing the games, including building partnerships with students studying in Maryville’s Game Design Program and the Maryville Gaming Community Club student organization. Future plans also include hosting in-person gaming events on the Maryville campus.

“It will be an opportunity for students of all abilities to learn about adaptive gaming,霍金斯-切尔诺夫说. “Most of the assistive technology is something that people don’t see every day. It’s important for our students to learn about this equipment as they pursue professional careers so that they can continue to make things accessible. And so that they know why things need to be accessible: so that everyone can play.”


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